Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Poems for 2/14/23 - Two Jazz Poems by Carl Wendell Hines, Jr.

Two Jazz Poems 

by Carl Wendell Hines, Jr.

Yeah here am i
am standing
at the crest of a tallest
hill with a trumpet
in my hand & dark

    bearded & bereted i proudly stand!
        but there are no eyes to see me.
    i send down cool sounds!
        but there are no ears to hear me.
    my lips they quiver in aether-emptiness!
        there are no hearts to love me.

surely though through night’s gray fog mist
of delusion & dream
& the rivers of tears that flow
like gelatin soul-juice
some apathetic bearer of
paranoidic peyote vision (or some
other source of inspiration) shall
    hear the song i play. s
    see the beard & beret shall
    become inflamed beyond all hope
with emotion’s everlasting fire
& join me
& but yet well
who knows?

there he stands. see?
like a black Ancient Mariner his
wrinkled old face so
full of the wearies of living is
turned downward with
closed eyes. h
is frayed collar
faded blue old shirt turns
dark with sweat & the old
necktie undone drops
loosely about the worn
old jacket see? j
barely holding his
sagging stomach in. yeah.
his run-down shoes have
paper in them & his
rough unshaven face shows
in each wrinkle.

but there he stands. in
self-bought solitude head
still down eyes
still closed ears
perked & trained upon
the bass line for
across his chest lies an old
alto saxophone --
supported from his next by
a wire coat hanger.

gently he lifts it now
to parted lips. to
tell all the world that 
he is a Black Man. that
he was sent here to preach
the Black Gospel of Jazz.

now preaching it with words of
screaming notes & chords he
is no longer a man. no not even 
a Black Man. but (yeah!)
a Bird! --
one that gathers his wings & flies
until he flies away! or
comes back to find himself
a Black Man

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