Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Poems for 5/4/22 - Two Poems by May Sarton - from Letters from Maine (1985)

Two Poems by May Sarton

from Letters from Maine (1985)

The Wood Pigeons

The wood pigeons

Punctuate the silence

With coos, over and over,

Over and over,

One long, three shorts,

Then pause,

Then resume.

Nothing else moves

Or makes a sound,

Flat blue sky

Over silent shining sea.



By the wood pigeons

Insistent, monotonous

"Spring is coming

Spring is coming."

Coo, coo-coo,

How can we stand it?

Madness is in the air.

April in Maine

The days are cold and brown,

Brown fields, no sign of green,

Brown twigs, not even swelling,

And dirty snow in the woods.

But as the dark flows in

The tree frogs begin

Their shrill sweet singing,

And we lie on our beds

Through the ecstatic night,

Wide awake, cracked open.

There will be no going back.

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