Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Poem for 5/3/22 - I, 10 from The Book of Mercies by Leonard Cohen

From The Book of Mercies, by Leonard Cohen

I, 10

You have sweetened your word on my lips. My son too has heard the song that does not belong to him. From Abraham to Augustine, the nations have not known you, though every cry, every curse is raised on the foundation of your holiness. You placed me in this mystery and you let me sing, though only from this curious corner. You bound me to my fingerprints, as you bind every man, except the ones who need no binding. You led me to this field where I can dance with a broken knee. You led me safely to this night, you gave me a crown of darkness and light, and tears to greet my enemy. Who can tell of your glory, who can number your forms, who dares expound the interior life of god? And now you feed my household, you gather them to sleep, to dream, to dream freely, you surround them with the fence of all that I have seen. Sleep, my son, my small daughter, sleep - this night, this mercy has no boundaries.


  1. Thanks Rabbi JIm thanks for publishing this poem! I really liked it Morah Hadassah Chavivah!

    1. You're very welcome--so glad you enjoyed it!
