Monday, October 11, 2021

If God Is a Virus - by Seema Yasmin - 10/11/21

 If God Is a Virus

by Seema Yasmin

from her book of the same name

She is vexed.

Absolutely done

with your shit.

God wants to know

why you didn't get a flu

shot; why her minions

made your left lung collapse

white out on the X-ray,

rack up a six-figure ICU

bill when all they wanted

was a warm vacation,

tropical waters, champagne

plasma to sip—not to bring

about death—not to turn

prunes in pleural fluid. No

body wants that. God thinks

anti-vaxxers have a death wish.

Wonders how they eat organic,

snort coke and laundry detergent

on weekends. Don't

they know yogi detox tea

is hepatotoxic? God knew

Charles Darwin. Clever

woman, she said. Who would

want your lot extinct?

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