Thursday, March 3, 2022

Poem for 3/3/22 - A Winter Beach on Cape Cod by Fred Ehrlich

 A Winter Beach on Cape Cod

by Fred Ehrlich

Sand, snow and ice are layered on the cliffs;

clouds and ocean lie on the horizon.

This was before the days of pixels

and our endless ability to record what is here.

I had taken a few photographs

when Emma, my granddaughter, grabbed the camera out of my hands

and began to snap.

I scolded, "Don't just photograph everything!"

Now, Emma has grown and I am old,

one of the photos she took is taped to the wall of my study.

It shows a girl in winter clothing running hard on the beach

just above the surf-line.

On the rare occasions that someone is interested in my collections

I tell them, "This is Emma's picture."

They do not know that Emma was the photographer, not the runner.

"Genius" is a word we apply to men and women

who produce a body of original work.

The "genius of childhood' makes us see

with the excitement of first discovery.

Emma and I are grateful to each other.

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