Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Poem for 3/29/22 - B'reishit (In the Beginning) by Primo Levi

Thanks to Michal Goldman for sending me this poem.

In the Beginning

Fellow-humans, to whom a year is a long time,
A century a venerable goal,
Struggling for your bread,
Tired, fretful, tricked, sick, lost:
Listen, and may it be a mockery and consolation.
Twenty billion years before how, *
Brilliant, soaring in space and time,
There was a ball of flame, solitary, eternal,
Our common father and our executioner.
It exploded, and every change began.
Even now the thin echo of this one reverse catastrophe
Resounds from the farthest reaches.
From that one spasm everything was born:
The same abyss that enfolds and challenges us,
The same time that spawns and defeats us,
Everything anyone has ever thought,
The eyes of every woman we have loved,
Suns by the thousands
And this hand that writes.
                                    13 August, 1970
                                    Translated by Ruth Feldman & Brian Swann

* The text I received reads "how" - I wonder--without needing to know so badly that I track it down--if it should read "now..."

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