Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Poem for 12/13/22 - A Helper of Hearts by Rumi

 A Helper of Hearts

by Rumi, from: The Forbidden Rumi, translated by Nevit O. Ergin and Will Johnson

Don't look down on the heart,

even if it's not behaving well.

Even in that shape, the heart

is more precious than the teachings

of the exalted saints.

The broken heart is where God looks.

How lucky is the soul that mends the heart!

For God, consoling the heart

that is broken into hundreds of pieces

is better than going on pilgrimage.

God's treasures are buried in ruined hearts.

If you put on the belt of service

and serve hearts

like a slave or servant,

the roads to all the secrets

will open before your eyes.

If you want peace and glory,

forget about your earthly honors

and try to please the hearts.

If you become

a helper of hearts,

springs of wisdom

will flow from your heart.

The water of life will run from your mouth

like a torrent.

Your breath will become medicine

like the breath of Jesus.

Be silent.

Even if you have two hundred tongues

in each hair on your head,

you won't be able to explain

the heart.

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