Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Poem for 6/21/22 - WHITMAN / VITMAN by Richard Fein


by Richard Fein

If you had been Velvl Vitman, I'd have

turned your Yiddish into English, I

poking around in the circuits of your beard,

my fingers finding and tracing your face,

my palms grazing your ruddy flesh,

your body and movements affecting me

and my characters, my strokes, and my lines;

the tones of the syllables, and pauses,

and the corresponding flecks of our words

make a marriage between us, my English

coming off of your Yiddish, tongue to tongue,

you then closer to me than ever before.

Of if I was Ruvn-Yankev Fayn and you still

Walt Whitman, I'd have turned your English

into Yiddish, showing how the body

of a poem could turn into another body,

the two of us closer than ever,

the way V inheres in W.

from Losing It (2021)

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