Monday, April 4, 2022

Poem for 4/4/22 - Two Poems on Biblical Themes by Lucille Clifton


Lucille Clifton

sarah's promise 

who understands better than i
the hunger in old bones
for a son? so here we are
abraham with his faith
and i my fury. jehovah,
i march into the thicket
of your need and promise you
the children of young women,
yours fora  thousand years.
their faith will send them to you,
docile as abraham. now,
speak to my husband.
spare me my one good boy.

naomi watches as ruth sleeps

she clings to me

like a shadow

when all that i wish

is to sit alone

longing for my husband,

my sons.

she has promised

to follow me,

to become me

if i allow it.

i am leading her

to boaz country.

he will find her beautiful

and place her among

his concubines.

jehovah willing

i can grieve in peace.

The Book of Lights, Copper Canyon Press, 1992

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