Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Poems for 9/1/21

Tu Fu (also known as Du Fu- click here for more information about him)


Coming Home Late At Night

At midnight, coming home, I passed a tiger.

The mountain's black, inside they're all asleep.

Far off the Dipper lowers toward the River.

Above, Bright Star grows great upon the sky.

With candle in the court I glower at two flames.

The apes are restive in the gorge, I hear one cry.

White head, old no more, I dance and sing.

Lean on my cane, unsleeping. And what else!

Translated from the Chinese by J. P. Seaton

Snow Storm

Tumult, weeping, many new ghosts

Heartbroken, aging, alone, I sing

To myself Ragged mist settles

In the spreading dusk. Snow scurries

In the coiling wind. The wineglass

I spilled. The bottle is empty.

The fire has gone out in the stove.

Everywhere men speak in whispers.

I brood on the uselessness of letters.

Translated from the Chinese by Kenneth Rexroth

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