Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Poem for 8/18/21

 A Committee of Scholars Describe the Future Without Me

by Jimmy Carter

Some shy professors, forced to write

about a time that's bound to come

when my earthly life is done

described my ultimate demise

in lovely euphemistic words

invoking pleasant visions of

burial rites, with undertakers,

friends, kinfolks, and pious pastors

gathered round my flowery casket

eyes uplifted

breaking new semantic ground

by not just saying

I have passed on

joined my maker

or gone to the Promised Land

but stating the lamented fact

in the best and gentlest terms

that I, now dead, have recently

reduced my level of participation.

from: Jimmy Carter, Always a Reckoning and Other Poems (New York, 1995), 25.

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